Dedicated to improving the quality of life and care of shelter pets in the City of Mobile


 Need spay and neuter help?

Dog assistance form is directly under the cat form.


B&B Rabies Clinic

Saturday March 22 1-3pm


Every Donation Helps!

A donation to FOMAS goes directly to helping support the animals. Thank for your generous support!


Check out our Amazon wish list

Our list is full of items to help the shelter pets and employees thrive from treats to cleaning supplies!



The mission of Friends of the Mobile Animal Shelter (FOMAS) is to improve the quality of life for shelter pets that are housed at the City of Mobile Animal Shelter; to find forever homes for healthy adoptable shelter pets; and to reduce the number of unwanted pets roaming the streets of our community by utilizing spay/neuter programs.


Ways To Help

We thank you for any help you can provide, it is highly cherished by our dogs and cats in need of forever homes.



If you’d like to find your new best friend and adopt one of our loving pets, fill out an adoption application on our Adoption page or come see us at our next adoption event listed on our Events page.



All donations are greatly appreciated! You can donate through Paypal on our Donation page. Or, if you would rather donate supplies, please check our Wish List of items needed for the care of our pets.



We are in need of foster parents for some of our dogs and cats. Providing temporary homes for the animals that can’t go directly to our shelter is a unique opportunity to give love and support to animals who need it the most. Fill out an application on our Foster page.



If you would like to help out, but can’t adopt a pet right now, then check out our Volunteer page for ideas to help. The gift of time is one of the best ways to support us!


Want more information about all things FOMAS? Click below to view our latest newsletter.

Our Latest Newsletter


Our Featured Adoptable Pet


The Importance of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

Many people are surprised to learn that nationwide nearly a million cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters. You might think that these are animals born in the streets or there is something “wrong” with them. But often, they are the offspring of cherished family pets, even purebreds. Maybe someone’s dog or cat got out just that one time or maybe the litter was intentional, but efforts to find enough good homes failed.

Still the result is homeless animals that have to be euthanized because there are more dogs and cats entering shelters than there are people willing to provide them with loving care. Even if you do find homes for your pet’s puppies or kittens, that means there are fewer homes available to take in other pets from shelters. Spay/neuter is the only permanent, 100-percent effective method of birth control for dogs and cats.

Safe and effective

Licensed veterinarians perform the spay or neuter operation while the pet is under anesthesia. Depending upon the procedure, your pet may need stitches removed. Your veterinarian can fully explain spay and neuter procedures to you. If you have a new puppy or kitten, don’t wait! Pets can become parents sooner than you think. Early age spay/neuter is safe and effective, so talk with your veterinarian at your pet’s first visit.

Spay or neuter surgery carries a one-time cost that is relatively small when you consider the benefits. For pets living in homes with limited income, reduced cost procedures may be available.

Millions of pet deaths each year are a tragedy – but it can be solved. By spaying and neutering your pet, you can be an important part of the solution. Contact your veterinarian today and be sure to let your family and friends know that they should do the same.


“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy Tails


 Our Sponsors:

5035 Cottage Hill Road
Mobile, AL 36609

213 Conti St.
Mobile, AL 36602

54 S. Conception St.
Mobile, AL 36602

Pet Rescue Foundation

407 Pinehill Dr.
Mobile, AL 36606


McGowin Square
1310 Tingle Cir E Suite B
Mobile, AL 36606


3980-J Airport Rd
Mobile, AL 36608


Southeast Toyota Finance


Ready to help?






 Pets enrich our lives with their unconditional devotion to us.

They enhance our lives by being a source of stability, love and companionship.

The rewards of animal companionship are immeasurable.